Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Resume

Lee Gaudette
322 Durgin Hill Road
Freedom NH, 03836

About Myself:
· My name is Lee Gaudette and I am a 21 year old male, senior nursing student attending the University of New Hampshire. Throughout my clinical experience, I have learned extremely valuable information and acquired skills that have really helped me to develop a solid foundation for my nursing career. I have dealt with a various array of patients already, and have no complaints going in and getting my hands dirty – I really believe that it is the best way to learn and gain experience. I am an extremely hard worker and willing to learn, and I would very much like to hone my nursing skills. I am self-motivated and can take constructive criticism very well, as I am also very honest and timely, and never leave a job undone.

· Current Senior Nursing Student at UNH: cumulative GPA of 3.72 – honors each semester
· Beverly High School (MA) class of 2006. Finished top 10% of the class.

Clinical Experience:
· Elliot Hospital – 90 hours on a med-surg/oncology floor
· SNHMC – 180 hours on a med-surg floor, 50 hours maternity
· Hampstead Hospital – 90 hours on the mental health floors
· Home Health VNA – 90 hours with a home health IV nurse
Combining these experiences, I have acquired very valuable nursing experience in everything from basic patient care to medication administration and have created a solid foundation necessary to further my career. Please see references below for instructors.

Work Experience:
· Hampstead Hospital: I am currently employed at Hampstead Psychiatric Hospital. After my mental health nursing clinical rotation, I enjoyed the work so much that I decided to apply for a job. I work as a counselor mainly for developmentally disabled children and teens. 603-329-5311
· Residential Assistant: from September 2007 to May 2008. I was an RA in a freshman dorm of 400 students, and responsible for 26 freshman male residents, where I learned valuable leadership skills and how to deal with difficult situations.
· Zeb’s General Store: North Conway, NH. Was an employee the summer of 2007 and 2008, mostly a cashier and customer service/retail. Contact Ray at 603-356-9294.
· Bertuccis Restaurant: Beverly, MA. I worked the take out department and the deli, dealt with many customers for 4 months in 2006. Contact Ann at 978-927-6866.
· The Herrick House: Beverly, MA. I was a dishwasher for 10 months my sophomore year in high school at this assisted living facility. Contact John at 978-922-1999.

Volunteer Work:
· Alternative Spring Break: I spent the last two spring breaks volunteering with Habitat for Humanity for an entire week in Springhill Louisiana (2007), and Fort Myers (2008).
· Habitat for Humanity: Volunteered for 2 years in High School through the Key Club.
· Oceanview assisted living facility: volunteered weekly for about 4 or 5 months calling Bingo for the elderly. 978-927-4227.

· Brenda Cooper (clinical instructor):
· Donna McGuinness (clinical instructor):
· Julie Perkins (VNA clinical instructor): 978-552-4082
· Tina McCarthy (clinical instructor):
· Sandra Mote (clinical instructor and Professor):

My Objectives

My current goal is to gain placement on a medical-surgical floor for my senior practicum this spring. This experience will serve as a huge foundation for what I do with the rest of my career. It will provide me with the information and skills I need in order to become the nurse that I want to be.
One of my main objectives is to practice as a competent, ethical, and compassionate nurse throughout my career. Up to this point in my education and beginning of my nursing career, I have done just this and will continue to do so. I really believe if I hold myself to such high standards, that I will practice to the best of my ability and serve as a more than competent nurse.
After I obtain a solid foundation in nursing, I aspire to become a nurse anesthetist and practice in a public hospital on the surgical unit. This has always interested me throughout my education, but first I would like to broaden my experience as a nurse and obtain the vital skills I need to practice competently.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Nursing Related Courses

Fall 2007
NURS501 - Introduction to nursing (B+)
MICR501 - Microbes in Human Disease (A-)

Spring 2008
NURS 502 - Concepts of Pathophysiology/Pharmacology (B+)
NURS 508 - Foundations of Nursing Judgment (B)
NURS 514 - Techniques of Clinical Nursing (A-)
NURS535 - Death and Dying (A)

Fall 2009
NURS615 - Adult Health (A-)
NURS615c - Adult Health Clinical (A)
NURS619 - Clinical Decision Making I (A)
NURS645 - Nursing Research (A)

Spring 2009
NURS618 - Mental Health Nursing (B+)
NURS618c - Mental Health Nursing Clinical (A)
NURS622 - Clinical Decision Making II (A)
NURS624 - Community Health Nursing (A)
NURS624c - Community Health Nursing Clinical (A)

Monday, October 29, 2007

My Nursing Philospohy

When asked the question what my philosophy on nursing was, I was taken back by the idea that I should already have an idea of what I will define my career as. I realized however that I was prepared to rely on a set of morals and ideas that I think my profession should consist of. My number one rule of nursing is that to be good at my profession, one needs to be completely and unselfishly genuine. Without this, all other goals will be void and the nurse’s care will be useless. I believe that Nursing is something more than just an average job because it takes complete dedication of oneself. Entire communities entrust a nurse with their lives and their care, and it would be an abomination of the profession if one took this lightly.

I know that my philosphy is always growing but I personally feel that I have a solid foundation of how I want to define my care. As I continue my education I know that it will change and grow, and I hope that it does. Once I start practicing as well, I am fully confident that I will sharpen my skills in both the art and science of the profession.

My Career Goals

The first goal I have in store for myself is to graduate from the University of New Hampshire with my bachelors degree in Nursing. As of now, I plan to continue on to get my masters. As for my future I have several goals in place. I would love to get away from the east coast for a few years and practice nursing in another part of the country. I intend to gain a solid foundation in nursing practice by working on a medical-surgical floor to obtain the skills I need. It is really important to me to understand different cultures and how things work in different places of the world, so I also hope to practice in another country. As for how I practice, it is my goal to remain honest and ethical in my care. I don't just want to help patients get better, I want to have a positive influence on their life. If I cant do that then the rest of my goals won't mean a thing to me.