322 Durgin Hill Road
Freedom NH, 03836
About Myself:
· My name is Lee Gaudette and I am a 21 year old male, senior nursing student attending the University of New Hampshire. Throughout my clinical experience, I have learned extremely valuable information and acquired skills that have really helped me to develop a solid foundation for my nursing career. I have dealt with a various array of patients already, and have no complaints going in and getting my hands dirty – I really believe that it is the best way to learn and gain experience. I am an extremely hard worker and willing to learn, and I would very much like to hone my nursing skills. I am self-motivated and can take constructive criticism very well, as I am also very honest and timely, and never leave a job undone.
· Current Senior Nursing Student at UNH: cumulative GPA of 3.72 – honors each semester
· Beverly High School (MA) class of 2006. Finished top 10% of the class.
Clinical Experience:
· Elliot Hospital – 90 hours on a med-surg/oncology floor
· SNHMC – 180 hours on a med-surg floor, 50 hours maternity
· Hampstead Hospital – 90 hours on the mental health floors
· Home Health VNA – 90 hours with a home health IV nurse
Combining these experiences, I have acquired very valuable nursing experience in everything from basic patient care to medication administration and have created a solid foundation necessary to further my career. Please see references below for instructors.
Work Experience:
· Hampstead Hospital: I am currently employed at Hampstead Psychiatric Hospital. After my mental health nursing clinical rotation, I enjoyed the work so much that I decided to apply for a job. I work as a counselor mainly for developmentally disabled children and teens. 603-329-5311
· Residential Assistant: from September 2007 to May 2008. I was an RA in a freshman dorm of 400 students, and responsible for 26 freshman male residents, where I learned valuable leadership skills and how to deal with difficult situations.
· Zeb’s General Store: North Conway, NH. Was an employee the summer of 2007 and 2008, mostly a cashier and customer service/retail. Contact Ray at 603-356-9294.
· Bertuccis Restaurant: Beverly, MA. I worked the take out department and the deli, dealt with many customers for 4 months in 2006. Contact Ann at 978-927-6866.
· The Herrick House: Beverly, MA. I was a dishwasher for 10 months my sophomore year in high school at this assisted living facility. Contact John at 978-922-1999.
Volunteer Work:
· Alternative Spring Break: I spent the last two spring breaks volunteering with Habitat for Humanity for an entire week in Springhill Louisiana (2007), and Fort Myers (2008).
· Habitat for Humanity: Volunteered for 2 years in High School through the Key Club.
· Oceanview assisted living facility: volunteered weekly for about 4 or 5 months calling Bingo for the elderly. 978-927-4227.
· Julie Perkins (VNA clinical instructor): 978-552-4082
· Tina McCarthy (clinical instructor): cmmc7@unh.edu
· Sandra Mote (clinical instructor and Professor): slp54@maple.unh.edu