When asked the question what my philosophy on nursing was, I was taken back by the idea that I should already have an idea of what I will define my career as. I realized however that I was prepared to rely on a set of morals and ideas that I think my profession should consist of. My number one rule of nursing is that to be good at my profession, one needs to be completely and unselfishly genuine. Without this, all other goals will be void and the nurse’s care will be useless. I believe that Nursing is something more than just an average job because it takes complete dedication of oneself. Entire communities entrust a nurse with their lives and their care, and it would be an abomination of the profession if one took this lightly.
I know that my philosphy is always growing but I personally feel that I have a solid foundation of how I want to define my care. As I continue my education I know that it will change and grow, and I hope that it does. Once I start practicing as well, I am fully confident that I will sharpen my skills in both the art and science of the profession.